Changing WordPress Theme And Adding Styles

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After WordPress was installed, I wanted to use the same theme and styles here as on my ancient Greek blog. Here’s how it was done…

Just to recap, after WordPress was installed, the initial default theme was Twenty Twelve:

WordPress Twenty Twelve theme after installation (screenshot)

Since the Twenty Eleven and Twenty Twelve themes were not needed, they were removed from the server for security purposes. At that point, the Twenty Ten theme was uploaded and applied on the WordPress dashboard:

newly-installed Twenty Ten WordPress theme (screenshot)

Following this, my Twenty Ten child theme from the ancient Greek blog was uploaded and applied:

WordPress Twenty Ten child theme with significant style changes over the basic theme (screenshot)

This child theme differs from the parent theme in the following ways:

  1. Various font changes.
  2. A Photoshop-generated weathered stone background is added to the body.
  3. A Photoshop-generated gray paper background image and yellow borders is added to the wrapper. The former is a bit brighter than the gray paper background used on the rest of the site.
  4. The visible blog title is actually not text, but a background PNG image (since the makers of the Grecian Empire Regular font might not appreciate their font being embedded for the web).
  5. CSS 3 drop shadow behind the header image.
  6. A blue Greek meander background image is displayed after each post, serving as a divider between blog posts.
  7. An Athenian owl is added to the footer for decorative purposes.

Next, the default header image was swapped out in favor of the photo, “Poseidon Temple at Cape Sounion near Athens, Greece” by anastasios71 at The blog’s tagline and its styles were also changed, with the tagline being moved to the right.

Poseidon Temple - blog header image (screenshot)

Finally, a background image was added to the widget area, and a copyright notice was added to the footer with the Blog Copyright plugin by Blog Traffic Exchange.

ancient Greek trireme, Athenian owl, and blog copyright screenshot

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